Kaka’ako Kasuals



From hardcore hiking shoes to keiki-friendly kicks, Kaka’ako Kasuals has your new favorite travel companion.


Pattern Design

Kaka’ako Kasuals hired me to create vibrant, tropical patterns for their line of slippers (aka flip flops). Each pattern is available for a limited time only.

I have free reign to design whatever inspires me. So I illustrate the creatures and plants of Hawaii’s forest and sea: endemic birds, endemic fish, limu (edible seaweed), and endemic plants.



My first step is researching the potential subject matter. When possible, I explore in person. After I land on an idea, I sketch out a variety of images within the category. When it comes to patterns, the more the merrier!

Next, I digitally sketch on my iPad, keeping separate layers for all the details. In Illustrator, I vectorize the images, group the layers, add color, and then build out the repeat pattern.



“Finding innovative, capable designers that can work on a deadline has always been a struggle for us. Siena was always prompt and created many visually stunning, Hawai'i-themed designs that were so eye catching! We always got compliments on her bird and plant designs. We wouldn't hesitate to work with Siena again on any project.”

Kiani Wong
CEO & Co-Founder